Damas y Caballeros

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Adolfo y Azucena duermen. Suena el teléfono. Adolfo contesta. Es la vecina, quien, alarmada, le pide a Adolfo que haga algo porque a su vecina de arriba la está golpeando su marido. Adolfo no se quiere arriesgar, ya que no los conoce. Después de colgar, es turno de Azucena de abordar el problema.

Adolfo and Azucena are sleeping. The telephone rings. Adolfo picks up. It’s the neighbor, alarmed, who begs Adolfo to do something because the neighbor upstairs is taking a beating from her husband. Adolfo doesn’t want to risk it since he doesn’t know them. After hanging up, it’s Azucena’s turn to approach the issue.

Title Damas y Caballeros
Duration 7:00
Director René Herrera Guerra
Producer Paola Madrazo del Rio
César Manjarrez
Script René Herrera Guerra
Olga Varela
Sound Valeria Mancheva
Cinematography José Raymundo Moya Ramírez
Music Ernie Schaeffer
César Manjarrez
Rubén Zamora
Diana Lein
Marisol del Olmo
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