Podcast26 Videos

Poster Podcast

Entrevista con Juan Bacaro de Güiner Agency

Entrevista con Juan Bacaro. Fundador de la agencia Güiner. En esta entrevista conversamos sobre la creación de posters para cortometrajes y películas. Para más información de los trabajos de Juan visitados en https://www.guiner.com.ar/ o en Instagram @guineragencia
Tearpia en Los Cortos

#22 Terapia en Los Cortos

Convarsación con el Talento de Terapia: Fernanda Kelly, Juliana Betancourth, Ramon Valdez y el Director Jhonatan Tabares. Como nació Terapia y como se unió un grupo de talentosos creativos para crear este Cortometraje.

Los Cortos Podcast #18 – Liminality de Oren Stambouli

Este episodio es un poco diferente, primero Blas está filmando en algún lugar de Estados Unidos (por lo menos eso es lo que el dice), segundo este es el resumen de “The 3rd Noche de Los Cortos” y me acompaña Oren Stambouli, ganador de “The 3rd Noche de Los Cortos” con su cortometraje “Liminality” Oren […]

Los Cortos Podcast #17 – The 3rd Noche de Los Cortos

Continuando en español, Yaniv Waisman y Blas Kisic conversan sobre “The 3rd Noche de Los Cortos. En este episodio del podcast de Los Cortos, Conversamos sobre la tercera edición del festival de “Los Cortos”.  En la sección de festival tenemos toda la información de como enviar tu cortometraje, de las bases, del jurado y de […]

Los Cortos Podcast #16 – Festivales (y en español)

De vuelta al español con el podcast. Sorry my non-spanish speaking friends. You didn’t vote in the poll last year 🙂 Blas y Yaniv comparten un rato con información de festivales de cortometrajes y de otras noticias interesantes del mundo de los cortometrajes. Escuchen el podcast donde hablamos con detalle de los siguientes festivales y […]

Los Cortos Podcast #14 – The 2nd Noche de Los Cortos 03

  Blas y Yaniv conversan sobre el show. Faltan solo unos días para la gran Noche. Le queremos agradecer a los patrocinantes: American Airlines Final Draft Rocstor Epson Latin America Makine Studios Blague Communications CREXELS Mucho Perro Venezolanos en Hollywood Y ak Dual Perception por la música que usamos en el podcast.

Los Cortos Podcast #11 with Carlos González

Carlos works in TV with Nickelodeon as a Director and DP of “Big Time Rush”. He worked in a very successful Venezuelan film call “Doña Barbara”. He also worked in great short that is on the site and everybody should have seen by now call “La Nochebuena de Paco y Manolo”     He started […]

Los Cortos Podcast #10 with Fidel Arizmendi

In today’s show Blas and Yaniv sat with Fidel Arizmendi, whose latest work is a short film called “Hacia la vida” He started as a writer for TV shows like Roseanne and Home Improvement before going to advertising. He began as a writer and later moved to be a director. After many years directing TV […]

Los Cortos Podcast #09 with Chris and Tianna

On our latest podcast, Blas and me talk with Tianna Langham and Chris Bessounian. Chris directed and him and Tianna wrote the short films call “The Kolaborator”. On this episode we talk about sound on a short film and how important it is. It is a great podcast to understand a little about challenges we […]

Los Cortos Podcast #08 with Prakriti Maduro

Los Cortos #8 with Prakriti Maduro. Venezuelan Movie start. Recenlty was in Habana Eva by Fina Torres. She also directed a short film call “I Wanna Shine” and we talk with her about making the short film and the challenges that she faced doing a stop motion animation. IMDB of “Prakriti Maduro” https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1319433/ IMDB of […]

Los Cortos Podcast #07 with Jesus Rodriguez

Episode #7 of the Los Cortos Podcast. From the Blague Studios in Studio City, California, Blas and Yaniv talked with Jesus Rodriguez. A writer and a great director. We talked about his short films and how he started. How he made his first short film “Lucy and Ricky” and how he made the rest. Click here to see his short films […]

Los Cortos Podcast #06 with Paco and Manolo

The final podcast of 2010 is the new podcast for 2011. A little late but as Blas puts it: Better Late than Never. In this episode we talket with Paco and Manolo, the guys who created  “La Nochebuena de Paco y Manolo” Steve Wilcox and Alex Furth are Paco and Manolo and we talked with […]

Los Cortos Podcast #05 with Diego Velasco

Episode #5 of Los Cortos Podcast. From the Blague Studios in Studio City, California, Blas and Yaniv talked about the “1st Noche de Los Cortos”. Here is the link of the event’s note. We thank the sponsors and please visit them by clicking on the links. Makine Studios Epson Latin America Blague Comunications Coupa Cafe […]

Los Cortos’ Podcast #4 with Alejandro Furth

This is Episode 4 of Los Cortos Podcast. Today Blas and Yaniv talk about the Showcase which will be October 23 and and the new website for the Showcase. Fanny Veliz’ “Il Destino” played in Texas last Saturday and it will play in Los Angeles tonight, September 13 at 7:00PM at The Montalban Theater. Our […]

Los Cortos #03 with Marcel Rasquin

This is the 3rd Podcast of Los Cortos. Today we started with some news. 1st Noche of Los Cortos Showcase will be October 23rd in Santa Monica CA. If you have Cortos. Send it to us. -Oren Stambouli presented his documentary at the Albuquerque Film Festival. -Brazaletes by Cristóbal Sobera and  Neestor Pérez was at […]

Los Cortos #2 with Fanny Veliz

This is the Podcast #2 for Los Cortos. Today we have Fanny Veliz as our guest. On the site you can see two of her films: 3Some and ShortStop.  She just directed “Il Destino” which got an Imagen Award Nomination.   We talk about her Cortos and about her history as a Filmmaker and Actress. […]

Los Cortos #1. What is Los Cortos?

This is the first recording of The Los Cortos Podcast. Recorded at Blague Communications with Blas Kisic and Yaniv Waisman. Today we talk about what Los Cortos is, where it came from and what we want to do in the future. Visit the website for more Cortos and information on what we are doing.  www.LosCortos.com […]