King of the Streets

Cortos from

With his feelings of grandeur, Cesar tell us how his luck changed, how all that he wanted was at his door step, but the actual events tell another story. What goes around, comes around.

Title King of the Streets
Duration 3:44
Director Reynaldo Ortiz-Toledo
Writer Dan Walker
1st AD Korok CHatterjee
2nd AD Aurelia Held
Script Supervisor Dymock Brett
Cinematographer Resul Keech
Camara Assistant  Callum Buckley
Gaffer Samuel Day
Editor Resul Keech

Kas Graham
Sound Esther Caszo
Make Up Olivia Newman-Young
Production Assistant Giles Barron
Production Coordinator Tina Bowman
Producer Reynaldo Ortiz-Toledo
Executive Producer Rajinder Kochar
Ashley Musgrave
Music Pablo Estacio
Caesar Bill Fellows
The Duchess Issy Van Randwyckli
Pete the Knife Kevin Golding
Hooker Blondie Charmian Carver-Hill
Hooker Brunette Ingrid Benussi
Jhonny Giles Barron
Boy Alex Walker
Horny-Cheap Man Trishul Thejasvo


Inspired in the song “Pedro Navajas” de Rubén Blades

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