Short + Sweet Hollywood
For 6 weeks, I was involved in a great festival, Short+Sweet Hollywood Festival. This festival started as a theater festival and later included dance and short films.
The idea is Short+Sweet is that the plays, the dance and the Short films have to be shorter than 10 min so they are short and sweet.
I was involved with the Film section of the festival and was the Director of the Latino night. Each Saturday night we exhibit between 10 and 12 short films, the jury selected one and the audience selected another one. Both films and a crew selection we’re exhibit on the “Hollywood Gala”, which was last Friday of the Festival. That Night “Retiro” won best short film, “Stand/Still” won audience award.
The rest of the awards went to:
Best Script: Juan Cruz Bacaro “Pure Screen”
Best Actor: Nathan Sapsford “Bathtub”
Best Actress: Kaitlyn Black “Relationship Deli”
Best Director: Alejandro Sorin, Miguel Dianda & Nicholas Ferrando for “Retiro:
Best Cinematography: Martin Taube “On Ice”
These were the best of the Short+Sweet Hollywood Festival.
The following night was the “International Gala”, where we screened the best of the previous night and the best of other countries.